We’ve all sinned
Fallen short of the glory of God!
No one can throw the first stone.
Know this truth
As you look at your own reflection
Perfect is Jesus alone!
By His Touch,
Imperfect, we’re cut to reflect His light,
Precious diamonds, His very own!
The process, though painful, exceedingly fine
Will make every facet to perfectly shine.
God’s purpose in this? A brilliant design!
Fits us for His kingdom, IN HIS GOOD TIME!
Sometimes it’s my turn and sometimes it’s yours,
Sometimes it’s gentle and sometimes it coarse,
Sometimes it’s subtle, yet sometimes direct,
Yet slowly, but surely it has its effect.
This cutting I thought God intended for you
Was really intended for me.
I was so dense and so blind to my flaws,
My own impurities I would not see.
It grieves God to see us all bloated with pride,
In desperate need for control,
Our grasping for power, prestige and success,
Our virtues we always extol!
He lets us make choices in our stubborn will
Confirming the foolishness of our own ways.
Shows us the heartache and pain that they bring
Stunting our growth the rest of our days.
God is not finished with you or with me,
With infinite patience He fashions each one
Every facet designed to scatter His Light
Reflecting to others His glorious Son!
Yield to His Touch!
In His wisdom and love
He will discipline us!
Make each of us perfect and whole!
Karin Ristau
Fallen short of the glory of God!
No one can throw the first stone.
Know this truth
As you look at your own reflection
Perfect is Jesus alone!
By His Touch,
Imperfect, we’re cut to reflect His light,
Precious diamonds, His very own!
The process, though painful, exceedingly fine
Will make every facet to perfectly shine.
God’s purpose in this? A brilliant design!
Fits us for His kingdom, IN HIS GOOD TIME!
Sometimes it’s my turn and sometimes it’s yours,
Sometimes it’s gentle and sometimes it coarse,
Sometimes it’s subtle, yet sometimes direct,
Yet slowly, but surely it has its effect.
This cutting I thought God intended for you
Was really intended for me.
I was so dense and so blind to my flaws,
My own impurities I would not see.
It grieves God to see us all bloated with pride,
In desperate need for control,
Our grasping for power, prestige and success,
Our virtues we always extol!
He lets us make choices in our stubborn will
Confirming the foolishness of our own ways.
Shows us the heartache and pain that they bring
Stunting our growth the rest of our days.
God is not finished with you or with me,
With infinite patience He fashions each one
Every facet designed to scatter His Light
Reflecting to others His glorious Son!
Yield to His Touch!
In His wisdom and love
He will discipline us!
Make each of us perfect and whole!
Karin Ristau
God gave you a wonderful gift of woods and wisdom, Karin, so glad you share those gifts with us All!!
Blessings and Hugs,
Coreen XO
God bless and have a great week :-)
God has gifted you with putting words together in a way that speaks to the needs that we all have . . . and you always give us hope!