Mom always had a servant heart! Whether it was in women's ministries in the church, teaching Sunday School or Saturday German School, or being a deaconness, she loved to be involved. Before mom moved into the long-term care centre, she lived in the manor next door. Both buildings are connected by a 'link' - a lovely year round indoor garden space. Mom volunteered for over 20 years and gave thousands of hours to the service of others. She kept the link looking fantastic; a warm, inviting retreat. She also portered people to physio, assisted with nutrition, used her green thumb to plant magnificent flower beds in the courtyard, did pastoral care visits especially with the German speaking residents, planned Gemuetliche Stunden programs, and so on and so on. One of her fun things to do was crochet crafts to sell in the lobby on Saturdays. Even when she could hardly stand, she would say to the president, "I can still sit here , hold out my hand and accept the money for the purchases." She was a vital part and valued member of the volunteer program! A model of a servant heart!
Make yourself a copy of the poem on pretty paper
and use it as a bookmark to remind you
how much you are loved by our Heavenly Father!
You’re a woman of worth
Loved perfectly by the Lord!
Be a woman of wisdom,
Your life fully based on His Word,
Be a woman of wealth,
As you store up eternal treasure!
Be a woman of warmth
Giving and loving
In bountiful measure.
In valleys, as a woman of weeping
Discover His wellspring of joy;
With praises and singing and prayer
The works of the devil destroy.
Be a woman of wonder;
How God is working
In and through you!
Let your wisdom and wealth ,
Bring glory to Him in all that you do.
Be a woman of worship,
He alone is worthy of praise!
In everything giving thanks always
Your voice of true freedom raise.
Let your sweet, winning smile,
Your warm, welcome heart
Show others what life’s all about!
Don’t be a woman of worries,
Or fears, frustrations and doubt.
It is through Christ
You CAN do all things,
His strength is yours
Each new day on this earth!
Let no one persuade you
To think otherwise!
You are a woman of worth!
Karin Ristau
You’re a woman of worth
Loved perfectly by the Lord!
Be a woman of wisdom,
Your life fully based on His Word,
Be a woman of wealth,
As you store up eternal treasure!
Be a woman of warmth
Giving and loving
In bountiful measure.
In valleys, as a woman of weeping
Discover His wellspring of joy;
With praises and singing and prayer
The works of the devil destroy.
Be a woman of wonder;
How God is working
In and through you!
Let your wisdom and wealth ,
Bring glory to Him in all that you do.
Be a woman of worship,
He alone is worthy of praise!
In everything giving thanks always
Your voice of true freedom raise.
Let your sweet, winning smile,
Your warm, welcome heart
Show others what life’s all about!
Don’t be a woman of worries,
Or fears, frustrations and doubt.
It is through Christ
You CAN do all things,
His strength is yours
Each new day on this earth!
Let no one persuade you
To think otherwise!
You are a woman of worth!
Karin Ristau
Very nice! I like that picture of Oma... that's exactly how I always think of her. I love the pictures that Evi took of you and Oma this weekend. You'll have to upload those on here too!
Thanks Angela! Nice to see you here!
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