When it's springtime on the prairies
And the tulips are in bloom
When the robins sing a new song
And young lovers start to spoon
When the trees unfold their blossoms
And the gentle breezes blow
When it's springtime on the prairies,
All my love to you I'll show.

Many signs that spring is staying
Are the warmer days, cold nights.
Yes, the sun now gets up sooner
We can save electric lights.
Pussy willows by the roadside
Some days rain; yet some days snow.
Time to do the big spring cleaning;
Soon there’ll be green grass to mow.

Time for planting pretty flowers
Peas and carrots in a row.
Time to water and to nourish
So that everything can grow.
All the beauty of Creation
Once again bursts forth in bloom!
Just enjoy the days of springtime,
Summer will come far to soon!

Karin Ristau


can be sung to the tune of "Springtime in the Rockies"


ellen b. said…
Love your poetry Karin and yes me thinks summer will come quite soon this year since Spring is almost non-existent :0)
Mari said…
I love pussy willows! Beautiful Spring poem!
pam said…
Beautiful picture. Our pussy willows bloom so early while it is still pretty nippy that I almost miss them. Our bush is on the side of the house that I don't see as much. We are once again down in the 30's this morning. I'm so ready for Spring to decide to stick around. Hope your week is grand Karin!
Ruth Hiebert said…
Beautiful words and picture.I hope it is springlike in your area.
Julie said…
What a gift you have, Karin!!
I love your poem.
And pussywillows?? always a favorite of mine!
Ginny Hartzler said…
Another locely poem, you are so talented! And I like the view from above the catkins!
Linda said…
Karin...I love your poem...and also the picture!

You are such a good poet!

Love, Linda
Unknown said…
Your poetry so aptly describes Spring. I love pussy willows. We had one when I was a child and my pussy willow tree that I had recently died a few years ago. I miss it.
Shug said…
Wonderful poetry....you really are gifted...
Lady Dorothy said…
Those last two lines? OH, so true! :-)
Sweet Lily said…
Absolutely beautiful and inspiring!
Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the visit. :)
Anonymous said…
How very beautiful, Karin. God bless.
Glenda said…
Beautiful word picture of spring, Karin!

Thanks so much for your prayers for us!
Karen said…
Your poem is lovely. Yes, I am thankful for spring and a beautiful sunny day today in Indiana! Blessings
Hootin Anni said…
Karin...this poem is outstanding!! What a work of art. I loved it. And the photo of the pussy willows...I can't tell you just how long it's been since I have seen these. What a treat.

Here's My Thursday Post Link...Sting's Fields of Gold Have a wonderful day.
I love your beautiful poem, Karin!! & Spring has been my Favorite season.. as long as I can remember!! :-)

Anonymous said…
Wow! Your not only a great blogger, you are also a good poet! :-)
Kimberly Pitman said…
I love this poem, Karin. I also love the sentiment of spring that it proclaims!

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