O God, my life is really an awful mess!
Is there any hope for someone like me?
I need you to come and transform this heart,
I heard you can do that, and that Your help is free!

My clothes are tattered and torn, filthy rags,
I’ve buried and hidden so much o’er the years
The closet is stuffed to the ceiling with things
Old baggage, old pain, and all kinds of fears.

O God, it is time to take out the trash
To once and for all clean this heart of mine!
That thick layer of pride should be dusted away
And my windows are clouded with jealousy grime.

Much idle talk’s been swept under the rug,
There are cobwebs of anger everywhere,
Greasy streaks of criticism mark up the walls
And selfishness clutters each room here and there.

I’ve tried real hard to clean it myself,
But I simply can’t! I’m tired, I’m weary, I’m worn.
“The blood of the Lamb will cleanse every stain,
Just give me your heart, child, and you’ll be reborn!”

Now that was an offer I did not refuse!
I opened my heart’s door and let You come in,
And the rest, as they say, is now history.
Your promise held true and You cleansed me from sin.

You do the work and I just relax
And bask in Your love, Your peace and Your grace!
That was the best decision I’ve ever made!
And, Father, I really like what you’ve done in this place.

Karin Ristau©


Linda said…
You are such a good writer Karin. Your writings always speak to my heart.

How long have you been writing poetry?

I never dreamed I would enjoy poetry so much. I love reading it and writing it. I just write what comes into my mind. I don't spend much time doing it. But yours seem so deep and so...wise and full of thought.

In your "about me", you say that you want to be "a shining example of His love and grace to others"...and that is exactly what you are!

God Bless You My Friend!

Marsha Young said…
A great poem - here is to more "basking" and less "basting in our own sour juices." :)

I'm doing some spring redecorating over at Spots and Wrinkles. That duvet business almost took me out!

Have a wonderful spring day!Marsha
Ginny Hartzler said…
A wonderful poem, Karin! This basically says it all in a concise and lovely way.
pam said…
Beautiful...I'm involved with a ministry at our church that counsels people through some healing from the "life" that has happened to them. It is so cool to see God set people free that the world's bandaids can't fix.

"Much idle talk’s been swept under the rug,
There are cobwebs of anger everywhere,
Greasy streaks of criticism mark up the walls
And selfishness clutters each room here and there."

Wow...well said. I'll be sharing this with some friends.
Bernie said…
This is wonderful and so suitable for this time of year. You have a real gift my friend with your writing and I agree with God beside us we can do anything..Hugs
Ruth Hiebert said…
Beautiful poem.I know I need a good spring cleaning now and then.
GREAT poem, Karin! So moving and I agree, you are very talented!!

BTW I'm back! So crazy busy and now, just when I thought things were going to calm down for a bit.. God has answered another prayer and I am about to be super busy again. All so good though!! :-)

Have a wonderful week, Karin!!
Coreen XOXO
George said…
This is a wonderful poem. You've described a tremendous truth in a very practical, but beautiful, way.
Lady Dorothy said…
I absolutely love this one!
Glenda said…
Oh, Karin, this is one of your best! The fact that He does the work and we can just relax is so assuring! Thanks for a beautiful picture of what our God can do - for any one who comes to Him!

Have a blessed week! I'm trying to play catch-up after being away from my computer.
Hootin Anni said…
Your work here, well......it really DOES cleanse the soul.

Beach...catcus blossom

Have a grand day!
Warren Baldwin said…
"O God, it is time to take out the trash" -

I started listing some of the "trash" I need removed and the list got longer than I wanted to leave here! Great thought and great prayer.
Anonymous said…
God has the best bar of soap in the universe for scrubbing and cleaning :-)
Bobbie said…
Wow!! Love this poem. Thanks for sharing...
Anonymous said…
Hi Karin, I love your poem. Just wanted to stop and wish you a good day and to thank you for your kind comments/visits to my blog.
Beck's Bulletin said…
This poem is sooooo powerful Karin. May I share it on my blog? I would really like to.
Unknown said…
Oh so true. I love this. I am going to copy it and keep it in my prayer journal so I can remember what Jesus has done!
Marg said…
I've loved those thoughts...I feel like that's been my experience over the past year...
I've written a few posts regarding Renovation, Restoration and Transformation....I think I'm starting to move forward once again.
Thanks for all your encouragement through your writings.
Kimberly Pitman said…
"Spring Cleaning" must be why we celebrate Easter at some point during this season each year. Great poem and analogy!

P.S. I'm not leaving many comments these days because I've had problems signing in. Hasn't stopped me from reading thouugh.

Karen said…
This one really speaks to me. I really needed the reminder to let Him do the work today.

Thanks for all the encouraging you do!

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