The joy of Jesus Christ my Savior is
My source of strength from day to day.
He leads beside the still clear waters,
Restores my soul, shows me His way,
And though I weep, am tired or weary,
I will proclaim His faithfulness.
Rejoicing comes new in the morning,
Hallelujah, my heart is blessed.

His marvelous grace beyond all measure
Delivered me from sin and shame.
He sent His Light and Truth to guide me,
A new creation! Praise His name!
The gracious God’s my heavenly Father,
I am His child, called by His Name.
His boundless love endures forever,
Through all eternity the same.

The comfort of God’s Holy Spirit
Brought healing to my fainting soul.
I lift my hands to sing His praises,
Oh Lord, my God, I’ve been made whole.
With oil of joy He does anoint me,
And makes my cup to overflow.
Sweet fellowship is mine forever,
A perfect peace in Him I know.

Karin Ristau


Ginny Hartzler said…
Q wonderful poem re-working a beautiful Psalm!
Karen said…
"Oh Lord, my God, I’ve been made whole.
With oil of joy He does anoint me,
And makes my cup to overflow."

Amen! He did and He does! Praise the Lord!

Beautiful, Karin!
Linda said…
Oh Karin, this is one of my favorites! I will read it again, and again and take delight in it!

Love, Linda
Anonymous said…
Hi - I am really glad to discover this. cool job!
Shug said…
Oh Sweet Karin....You are so Blessed!
Your talents are beautiful and the best part is that you get to Bless others...

Love this poem!
Thank you for sharing with us!
ellen b. said…
Beautiful Karin!
Unknown said…
I love the expression "oil of joy." Loved this so much!
George said…
This is absolutely beautiful. "Oh Lord, my God, I've been made whole". Nothing can be more precious than this.
Hootin Anni said…
Simply an inspiration, you are!! Your words resonate the trust we all need.

[and I had to view the dog video also!]

Thanks for visiting with me this past weekend. I always enjoy your company.

Red and Pink Amaryllis
Valerie said…
Beautiful Karin - so beautiful!
Karen said…
I'm so thankful God is ever true, never changing. Beautiful poem, Karin!
Beautiful poem, Karin & I so needed to read this today! Been extremely busy and stressed for over a month now.. then this week it all hit me!! I need to relax and getting back to blogging and reading encourging post like Yours, will certainly help!! :-)

Thank you!! ~ Coreen

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