On our life’s journey – there are many pathways. Each different pathway has it’s own goal. But our life’s journey does not go on forever “What’s after this life?”, asks many a soul. God offers you a place, where sorrows He’ll erase where tears will never flow like they did below. Look to the ends of earth, past the moon and each star There is His Dwelling place which by Faith is never far! In our life’s journey – on those many pathways - we’re given choices each brand new day. The Cross of Calv’ry is the path of Salvation; Oh, chose to follow – The Light and The Way. God sent from heaven’s throne His Son, His very own to give eternal life to all who believe; sealed in the Book of Life by the blood of the Lamb; to live in Paradise with our God, the Great I AM! After life’s journey – we will rest from labor and worship Jesus, His Majesty The great Redeemer, King of Kings, our Creator, We’ll live with Him in Eter-nity! Beyond the highest stars from pain a...