After 50 days in hospital 
my hubby was assessed 
to require much more care 
than he would be able to have at home.
The Social Worker completed the assessment 
on January 16th, 2013
 and on January 18th, 2013 
he was transferred to the Care Centre 
right next door 
to the Manor where we had lived together. 
We had moved to this Manor November 2011,
and in December 2011
 hubby required homecare already.
Isn't God's timing amazing! 
From December 23rd, 2012 
until January 16th, 2013
this center was on Outbreak Protocol
and couldn't admit any new patients
although there were 7 beds to fill.
Once again, 
can you see God's awesome timing for us?

Shepherd's Care has all levels of care 
in several different buildings
but on one campus
which are all connected by walkways. 
If you are interested 
you can check out the website
This is where I have worked in a variety of 
positions for the past 26 years!

Hubby is adjusting well to his new home. 
He enjoyed his dinner tonight - left the peas,
the mashed potatoes with gravy - ate the meat, 
the salad and the dessert and then 
mumbled under his breath
"How is one supposed to lose weight
if it tastes so good!"
Oh, it's not like 'home',
and we miss lots of familiar goodies,
but we are determined to be content
in whatsoever state we are!

I've posted photos of his room
and we think it's comfy and cozy. 
He's not going to spend that much time in there
there are activities on the main floor
visits to what is now 'my' place
walks around the buildings
strolls through the garden -
ok, we'll have to wait until spring for that,
and hopefully even out-trips with the 
Recreation Bus to the mall
or special events!
God supplies all our needs! 

 Years ago, this cross stitch masterpiece 
was done by Peter's favorite aunt. 
She had taken care of him
when his mom died when he was 13.
 Before his aunt died
she wanted him to have it 
as he always loved it so much. 

 Right now Peter is still in a wheelchair and 
this is where I put my feet up when I visit him.
Nearly fell asleep in it the other day!

 Still need to bring some more stuff 
for the shelves,
but it's a start. 

  Drop-off zone when one enters the room.

Just had to put his racquet on the wall! 
Still want something
like a family photo collage on that blank space. 

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers 
for him especially and both of us. 
So, if I'm hardly ever on here - 
you'll know where I'm hanging out!


Ruth Hiebert said...

God's timing is perfect. I am so thankful that it all worked out for you and Peter.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update, Karin. You both have been in my prayers. How special to have the cross stitch art from Peter's aunt. A photo collage of family will be a great addition too. As you are able, keep in touch. Please know that you both are very special to me and that I continue to pray for you.

Mari said...

Your attitude makes such a difference in what has to be a hard adjustment. Seeing God's hand at work in your life is such a blessing.
Peter's room looks very homey!

ellen b. said...

Thanks so much for the update Karin. It really helps to remind me to pray for you and your dear hubby. God bless you both and I'm thanking God along with you for his timing and providence...

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad it is right beside you, my prayers are with you both.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Such an awesome God... I'm so glad that prayers were answered and that hubby is now close-by. You can visit him and he can visit you... That is AWESOME.

Love the way you decorated his room.. You all do live in a fabulous facility. They take good care of you.


pam said...

In college during my internship I worked with a lot of elderly people. I have always thought that this late season of life takes more adjustments, especially when one's mind is still sharper than the body willing like my 94 year old mother in law. Sweet peace of contentment to both of you. I think about you and have wondered how you were both doing. I LOVE that cross stitch piece, so nice you can have things like that up at his level of care. So encouraging to hear such stories of God's perfect timing. We are dealing with health issues of both my parents, in their 80's, and there is much we must trust to God. Strength and peace to both of you!

Hootin Anni said...

Hi was so nice to see that you had paid me a visit yesterday. I am pleased to read this most recent post....happy to know that your dear one is getting home care now. And your outlook is always so positive; that's good!!

May God bless you both.

Unknown said...

Dear Karin how wonderful to hear from you and Peter. Thanks for your visit. We visit the hematologist today to get the results of the latest blood work on Tom and find out the plan. Your post here is very inspiring and blessings to both of you.

George said...

It looks as if your husband has a nice and comfortable room. I'm glad it's so convenient for the two of you to get together. God's timing is perfect, isn't it?

Wendy said...

Wow - what an adjustment indeed, but as Mari said - your attitude makes such a difference.

I loved that cross-stitch picture even before reading your caption underneath. I did not realize it was cross-stitch, but thought it was a painting. How wonderful that dear hubby has this memory from his auntie.

Sending hugs and prayers to you both.
We're freezing here in Montreal. Minus 25 C today!!

Kimberly Pitman said...

It's wonderful to see how God has been working all the details out behind the scene so that you can remain close to your beloved!

Lady Dorothy said...

God's timing is wonderful...and so is your attitude! I'm very glad it is now more convenient for you. Continued blessings!

Pamela said...

How wonderful it's all working out for you. Praying God will be near with all the changes.

Unknown said...

I am so glad God has blessed you both this way. Prayers for you both.

Karen said...

Dear Karin, I am thinking of you and your hubby. It is wonderful that you have a thankful heart for how God has ordered your steps. I will be praying for you both during this transition.

Marg said...

Thanks for keeping us posted. You are an inspiration to me as I watch you at your place of work, care giving for so many and now you continue to care give for your husband. May God give you strength and wisdom as you walk through this time. We do not know what tomorrow looks like, but are so grateful that we can put our confidence in God.

Randall said...

Wow, Awesome Karin. I've been caring for my dad for quite some time. He's lying down in bed now comfortable as can be. :)


Anonymous said...

Haven't visited here in a while so didn't know anything about this. Hope your husband and you both continue to do well.
