Sorry, it's a little blurry - done on my iPhone
Wow, how fast the year 2012 marched along - waiting for no one. A year full of great challenges - too long to list them all - maybe a few - our move, diagnoses, surgeries, treatments, adjustments, infections, more treatments, quite a few ambulance rides, appointments and add to that daily life as the seasons came and went.
Yet, in all and through it all we've felt that even though we might have wanted to let go and give up, the Lord has kept us safe in His Almighty Hand! We could trust Him to never let us go, to never leave us or forsake us, to show us our total dependence on Him, and to keep us in perfect peace even in these great storms of life.
With hubby now in the hospital since November 30 and waiting for an assessment as to what level of care he will require, we are in a holding pattern - the waiting game - designed to teach us patience! Tears amid the joys - Light amid the darkness - Peace amid the threatening turmoil! And what a peace it is - one that passess all human understanding!
We are so thankful that we could spend Christmas together with our whole family - except for our sweet Miccah who was sick with the flu and his dear mom who stayed home with him. Hubby was out on a day pass and found that one day was strenuous enough and we wouldn't do it on the second day as we had originally planned. Instead we visited him every day and spent time with him at the hospital. It was great to have our middle daughter and her family visit and even stay at my place overnight. Very special but as always - far to short!!
Sometimes all the outward celebrations of Christmas simply fade and lose the splendour they had in our younger years. More importantly we draw joy, peace, hope, faith and love from our relationships with one another as we worship the Lord with Scripture, Song and Prayer together. Deeply meaningful memories celebrating His first coming and talking about the anticipation of the Second Coming!
As we were in 'outbreak' at the place I work and live, I didn't dare take any of the germs to the acute care hospital on Christmas Day. Talking to hubby on the phone had to be enough for us. Our oldest daughter went for a visit though and they had a great time. Yesterday our son and his kids brought Opa Christmas Dinner and more presents!
God is good - all the time!
Thanks so much to all of you
for your thoughts and prayers!
So much appreciated
that they've carried us
to the Throne of Grace!
I said to the man
who stood at the gate of the year
“Give me a light that I may tread safely
into the unknown.”
And he replied:” Go out into the darkness
and put your hand into the hand of God.
That shall be better than light
and safer than a known way!”
So I went forth and finding the Hand of God
trod gladly into the night.
M. Louise Haskins (1875-1957)
Jesus Christ,
is the same yesterday,
and forever!
Hebrew 13:8
Karin, I am sad to read of your husband's hospitalization but I am thankful that you have been surrounded by family during Christmas. You all remain in my heart and prayers daily. Love, Mildred
Your attitude is wonderful, even in the hard times. I'm glad you were all able to be together for Christmas. That is such a blessing.
Since November is a long time and I pray your husband can soon be released.
Hi Karin... I don't know where I have been, but I did not realize that your husband was in the hospital. So sorry to hear this. Bless your heart and Bless your husband. Sounds like you have had your hands full, but I must say that I truly admire your strength
I have thought of you both so many times and wondered how you all were doing. So thankful you know our Father! Praying healing, strength and continued peace!
Oh Karin, I am so proud of you... Life certainly does throw us curve-balls, doesn't it????? BUT--with a good attitude (with God in the center of our lives), we can keep on marching forward --which you are doing so well. God Bless You, Karin. I'm so glad that you have such a wonderful and caring family...
Hugs for a better 2013...
PRAYERS for your hubby --and YOU.
Oh dear Karin,life is filled with so many things which we would rather avoid,but that is not how it works. I pray that God will carry you day by day as you travel the path He has chosen for you.
I am so sorry, but I have forgotten what has put your husband in the hospital! I knew he has been there for some time. I have been praying for healing and for the right decisions to be made about him.
Oh dear Karin may God continue to uphold you all and sustain you as you walk this path on earth. Joy and sorrow seem to always go hand in hand. You are a blessing...
Glad you had a good family time over Christmas. What a year 2012 has been for you! You are so positive despite the curve-balls. Praying for you as you go into the new year...for wisdom as decisions need to be made.
As blog buddies, we've seen another year come and go! As you said, it has been quite a difficult year, but also a blessed year where folks we love received their "promotion" and are awaiting a reunion with those of us waiting to join them.
As difficult as it makes Christmas, I know from your post that the next generation in your family (as in mine) stands ready to assume new roles to ensure the celebrations continue in spite of difficult times because they have been taught that celebrating with family is more than meeting when a date rolls around on the calendar.
My prayers for your husband, Karin, and for you as you continue to make adjustments and decisions.
Blessings, my dear friend!
Karin, I have been praying for you and I am so glad to have an update. I know it is hard with your husband being in the hospital. Thank you that you are always such an encourager. I love the poem you shared. Will keep you in my prayers.
My heart goes out to you Karen, as I know the sorrow of having your dear husband in hospital. I hope he comes home soon, although you mentioned "placement" and I hope it's a temporary placement.
Your faith is strong and will see you through. I can see you have a wonderful caring and supportive family and this is like gold.
Sending prayers to all of you.
I wish you lots of love and strength for the future. He will be there, as He was this year. He has said: I will faithfully accompany you with my advice. My eye will be on you.
I've the same poem on my blog. This evening I am praying for you both.
Oh, Karin! What a wonderful attitude you have! The joy of the Lord truly is our strength, isn't it? Many blessings on you and your family in the new year!
(I really like that quote.)
It is an encouragement to see your faith amids a difficult time and to be reminded of what is truly important. May God bring healing yet and give you many more years to enjoy together. Wishing you His blessings for the new year ... in which He will be the same as He always has been!
God is good all the time, even in the difficult times. Praying for you in this holding pattern, that God would give you much peace as you wait and adjust to this new normal.
So sorry for your year, but encouraged by your testimony to God's faithfulness. Praying for you that God will continue to be a light in your darkness and joy will come in the morning. Maybe this will be the year the Lord comes back to take us to heaven with him.
HI Karin,
Thanks for visiting...I lost your link while I had new computer updates installed. I can resonate with your post for the New Year. And yet you have the courage to reflect about the difficult challenges and yet draw us back to God who is greater than all of us.
Wishing you the best in the New Year, as we do not know what the next chapter holds, but we know that we are in God's hands.
Your posts have been a great support to through the years and right now we see new glimmers of Hope in our family. Oh to walk each day knowing God is there with us and giving that hope to our families. Blessings my friend.
Karin, I'm sorry I missed this when you posted it. I'm also sorry to hear that your husband is still in the hospital, and I hope his assessment has been completed and he is now getting the care he needs. I am glad you were able to enjoy your family over Christmas.
You have been a model and inspiration for us. We will continue to lift you and your family in prayer. God bless you.
The sweet aroma of your spirit swirls amid your words and blesses my heart. I'm praying for God's presence to continue to fill your heart and home.
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