The old fountain with the bridge over it - has been demolished. It had seen better days and served us well. Now, wood was rotting and it was not safe for wheelchair crossings. If the old fountain could have talked........ it would have thanked the two Freds for cleaning it every spring.... it kept the secret of lover's conversations sitting on the nearby swing... it delighted in grandchildren's laughter who came to visit their loved ones..... it thanked the trees for gently covering it with their leaves for the winter rest...... it did occasionally get green with....algae sometimes its pipes needed extra cleaning..... and it wasn't too thrilled that boys will be boys and some did take a quick tinkle when they thought no one was looking and nature called! I watched from the 4th story balcony as the old was demolished to make way for the new and I took a few snapshots! Our apartment doesn't face this garden; we're on the opposite side...