Thanks Betsy from Joyful Reflections for the use of this Chipping Sparrow! The past almost 4 weeks have just flown by! My 16 radiation therapy treatments are finished. Today, my last day, as I entered the underground parking garage, I heard a bird chirping in this dark, dingy, dusty and somber place. I listened for a while and wished I could locate it and set it free! The garage doors opened and closed several times but what sounded like a sparrow still chirped away. All at once the door stayed open a little longer, the sunlight streamed in and the bird followed the light to freedom. This little incident seemed symbolic of what I had been through. With today's last drive out of the underground parking garage - I've been set free to soar some more! The Light had never left! We're feeling fine and THANK YOU so much for your faithful prayers! YOU ARE THE BEST BLOGGING FRIENDS A GI...