Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: 
Your kindness should be known to all. 
The Lord is near. 
Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, 
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, 
make your requests known to God. 
Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding 
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 
Phil. 4:4-7


Ginny Hartzler said…
I hope you are having a lovely Christmas season, Karin. My wish for you is no rushing and stress, family together and having fun, and most of all, Peace at this season.
Anonymous said…
Hi Karin, Thank you for sharing this verse and video. Wishing you a blessed weekend.
Shug said…
Hi Karin...Thanks for sharing this beautiful music with us...I love this song and I believe it is so worthy of being heard more than just at the Christmas season...
Blessings to you and yours...
Hootin Anni said…
In a way, it's sad to know that so many across this globe of ours only feel the joy and wonderment of our lives just this time of year. I remember one Christmas season, our little son, Erik - now a full grown adult - said of the season, "Why just one day a year? It should be EVERY day!" With that I'll leave you and let you know I enjoyed the song and Bible verse.

Crypt Shadows in New Orleans Cemetery
ellen b. said…
Joy, Joy, Joy! Have a joy filled Sunday Karin!
Unknown said…
Truly a song for every day. The waiting is almost over and Joy will fill our hearts again at the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
Glenda said…
It just isn't Christmas unless we sing "Joy to the World" . . . which we did Sunday after lighting the Candle of Joy!

May you have a joyous Christmas!!
George said…
Thanks for sharing this beautiful verse and wonderful song. "Joy to the World' is a wonderful summary of Christmas.
'Love the song sweetie. I start playin' my Christmas music here 'round the Ponderosa as soon as the turkey is gobbled up!

I hope your season is showered with blessings sweetie!

BTW: place..please drop by. I'll put out the fudge and leave the door open! Heeehehehe!!! :o)
Anonymous said…
nice post! thanks for sharing friend...happy holidays...
Marg said…
That is one of my favorite timeless songs and I love your's upbeat and peppy.
I have not had my third candle lit yet, but it's in my heart.
I love it that you share the Advent Story.
Unknown said…
Joy was my bite of the fruit of the spirit for yesterday. The Joy came with Peace today. You are right, the fruit of the spirit is singular. It's nice to take a bite a day though. Again, Love the Advent because we didn't celebrate it when I was a child. Thanks for sharing the verse and "Joy To The World."

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