
Showing posts from December, 2011


Thank you for your support and prayers as hubby and I go through this difficult and challenging time with regards to our health. We know our heavenly Father will never leave us or forsake us! May God be glorified through it all!  Hugs to you all!


MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! The residents at the nursing home loved the English lyrics to a German favorite melody  that my friend and I sang for them. 1. Christmas is here! Come praise and sing! God is love! Angels to shepherds news did bring, God is love! Go now to Bethlehem and see God’s gift from Heaven for you and me! Worship the Christ on bended knee God is love! God is love! God is love! Come, worship and His praises sing for God is love! 2. Share this Good News with all you meet. God is love! Don’t live in darkness or defeat. God is love! Jesus came of His own free will! All prophecy He did fulfill! How blest are we! My heart be still! God is love. God is love! God is love! Come, worship and His praises sing for God is love! 3. Let your light shine so all will see! God is love! He breaks the chains and sets us free! God is love! Give him your will, your heart and mind Go where He leads and you will find For you He has His best designed! ...


 Thanks Evelyn! God of Grace and Surprise,  today we embrace the miracle  of the incarnation of your only begotten Son.  We stand in awe and wonder of your plan of salvation  which confounds the wisdom of this world.  Thank you for fulfilling your promise  given by the prophets of old-- the sign of reconciliation in and through Jesus, our Lord.  Help us to recognize the incarnation of your grace  especially with those who suffer,  those who are impoverished and victimized.   Enable us to stand in solidarity  with the least of our brothers and sisters in Christ,  so that the world will see in us  the good news of Emmanuel,  God-with-us,  in whose very name we pray.  Amen. by Rev. F. Schaefer Please remember us in your prayers as both of us have been given  this past week the diagnosis of having prostate cancer and breast cancer. We are still numb yet God is ...


Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again:  rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all.  The Lord is near.  Have no anxiety at all, but in everything,  by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,  make your requests known to God.  Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding  will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  Phil. 4:4-7


  from Google Images God of justice and God of mercy,  on this second Sunday of Advent  we await the glorious return of your Anointed One.   We also anticipate with great joy the celebration  of His coming in the flesh at Bethlehem. We wait with confidence.  We trust in your mercy,  because you have promised us  through your prophet Isaiah  a kingdom under the righteous rule of your Messiah,  Jesus our Lord.   Yours will be a Kingdom of justice,  peace, and compassion.   A world without strife,  wars, hunger, and pain.   While we joyfully await your Kingdom,  prepare our hearts and minds  for your purposes here on earth.   Like John the Baptist,  you are sending us as messengers of light  into a darkened world;  may we be able to prepare the way for Christ  into the hearts of the people in our neighborhood,  community, nation,...