Our daughter's clock collection! Whenever a friend of mine went to visit her daughter she'd always come back exhausted! She would tell us her long list of duties ~ how many jars of peaches, pickles, pumpkins she canned, how many pies she baked, how many hundreds of cookies were packed away in the freezer, and so on and so on! It can be fun to work together and stock up for the winter, but this sounded like the drudgery of an assembly line! I never asked, but I always sensed that just once my friend would have loved to just be able to visit and not work so hard. She was not the youngest any more either! But this was their mother-daughter dynamic and I just listened, offering no advice. It gave me food for thought. Even though our daughters didn't want or need me to do all that stuff - they are very capable wives, mothers and career women, in their own right - somehow the daily stuff all got done anyway! Our main focus, however, during my visits was always more on enjoy...