
Showing posts from September, 2011


Saw this on facebook today and wanted to share! from Washington Window - but there was no link!


  From Google Images Because I want what is best for my children, I can understand that my heavenly Father wants what is best for me. I have three children, who each have children of their own. They love their children and are guiding and nurturing them to love the Lord. I am blessed by them every day, even if they don’t live close to us. I delight in their successes and their victories. But… I also feel their hurts and their pains as they face difficulties and go through the valleys of life. To remove those would be to deprive them the opportunity to learn life’s lessons for themselves. Certainly it would be easier to leave difficult situations than to stay and grow in grace through them.  Yet, growing in grace is the purpose and plan of God our lives. “He gives only the best to those who leave the choice with Him,” I once read. When we know that God is on our side, we can face anything and everything. This I know, that God is for me. I rest on t...


We’ve all sinned Fallen short of the glory of God! No one can throw the first stone. Know this truth As you look at your own reflection Perfect is Jesus alone! By His Touch, Imperfect, we’re cut to reflect His light, Precious diamonds, His very own! The process, though painful, exceedingly fine Will make every facet to perfectly shine. God’s purpose in this? A brilliant design! Fits us for His kingdom, IN HIS GOOD TIME! Sometimes it’s my turn and sometimes it’s yours, Sometimes it’s gentle and sometimes it coarse, Sometimes it’s subtle, yet sometimes direct, Yet slowly, but surely it has its effect. This cutting I thought God intended for you Was really intended for me. I was so dense and so blind to my flaws, My own impurities I would not see. It grieves God to see us all bloated with pride, In desperate need for control, Our grasping for power, prestige and success, Our virtues we always extol! He lets us make choices in our stubborn will ...


Be blessed today my friends and always!


You, Father, love me and accept me as I am. Even when I have failed You, You remain faithful. I know that I don’t love others as You love me. I honestly want to, but I don’t. There are those who are very easy to love; I have no difficulty returning their love; The ones who encourage me, support me Openly show their affinity and affection. Then there are those who don’t like me, Who have no use for me, who doubt my motives, Who disapprove of my actions, who are critical of me Without really knowing me in the depth of my being. Then there are those who think they know me well, And, of course, I never meet their expectations. They have given me labels, and have put me in a box. I won’t ever by loved by them, so I don’t want to love them back. But Lord, when I fail to love them, I fail to love you! You have shown me once again that then I am only self serving. Forgive me, Lord, for wanting to take the easy way out and Only loving those who love me first. Tea...