The goose and gander are back and have set up house 
on the building across from us! 
So fun to watch their coming and going!
Love the flying Vs overhead!
Spring is here! Let it still snow now and then, but it's here to stay!

“As long as the earth endures, 
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat, summer and winter, 
day and night will never cease.”
Genesis 8:22


Doris Sturm said…
What an interesting picture - I like geese...our Canada goose has left us and probably found a mate...maybe she'll be back in the fall.

Have a lovely day!
Ruth Hiebert said…
Great picture.They look like guards on duty.I hope they bring much joy as you watch.
Anonymous said…
What fun this will be to watch!
pam said…
How fun. I love to watch them fly. Taking off is pretty cool too. Molly just discovered the two who seem to like our little lake across from our house. She cocked her head when they took off honking. Enjoy!
ellen b. said…
That's great. We've got mama and papa duck back in the yard this week!
Ginny Hartzler said…
My word, I had to enlarge this one. They look like statues on the roof, one at each end! I have tried to capture the V with my camera many times, they fly above us all the time. but they MOCK me, I have never been able to do it!!
Mari said…
They almost look like statues on top of the building. What a happy sight!
George said…
It's interesting that the goose and the gander each have their own corner of the building.
Oh how neat, Karin... I know you will enjoy watching them... I have enjoyed watching the Eagles in their nest on the Webcam... SO interesting. They now have two little fuzzy babies... Adorable.
Linda said…
That's cool! It gives you some entertainment to watch. (:>)
They do look like stautes on top of the building!
Shug said…
How interesting...I would have to ask how anyone can get any work done for looking out the window. How cute that they would stand on each corner of the building as if they were statues....
Great shots...{pictures}
C. JoyBell C. said…
Hello Karin! How are you? I'm happy to see that you understood my poem very well! :) :) I'm sure that your spirit confirmed it within you! :)
Summer said…
What a really great picture ....At least spring is somewhere because its not here .....We just had a little taste of it yesterday and this morning however it is gone again I guess to your area
....Rest well and I must say that I really enjoy visiting your blog
Hootin Anni said…
Isn't watching the activities of wildlife fun?!! Do they always return to the same building year after year?

My Ruby Link:
Cute Easter Egg Cup

Do stop by to say hello. Have a super day!!
Unknown said…
It's lovely to get these signs of spring. I just saw my first bunny rabbit munching on the grass. Better the grass then my first few shoots of flowers!
Wendy said…
Yippee! Geese are back. I love saying welcome back in the spring. Hate saying goodby in the fall.

Hope your spring flowers are on the way.
Lovely picture!!

Karin, thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment.


Marsha Young said…
I have always loved the assurance of that cycle - the Lord will keep all the seasons and life-cycles going for as long as He chooses.

Then he will make all things new. :)

Loved the pictures of the goose and gander. Blessings to you - Marsha
I commented on the wrong post.

Goosey goosey gander,

When my daughter was little, some child care here in New Zealand refuse to treach this song. They say it is cruel to kick the old man down the stairs.
Kimberly Pitman said…
Hey! I saw them and a friend recently at the drive-thru! I guess they needed to stop for a bite on their way north! :)
Unknown said…
They sure like they are sentinels on guard. Great photo.
NCmountainwoman said…
Amazing! How on earth will they get the goslings to water?
Karin said…
Each year I've been wondering and worrying how those goslings get off the tower. I understand that Canada Fish and Wildlife have come to the rescue. They probably have experience with a timely relocation or in future prevention of building the nests there in the first place. Each year there must be new locations. Last year I viewed a video about a brood being born downtown and an office worker came to the rescue.

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