from 1. John

No one who is born of God will continue to sin, 
because God's seed remains in him; 
he cannot go on sinning, 
because he has been born of God. 

This is how we know  
who the children of God are 
and who the children of the devil are: 
Anyone who does not do what is right 
is not a child of God; 
nor is anyone who does not love his brother.

This is how we know 
what love is: 
Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. 
And we ought to lay down 
our lives for our brothers. 
If anyone has material possessions 
and sees his brother in need 
but has no pity on him, 
how can the love of God be in him? 
Dear children, 
let us not love with words or tongue 
but with actions and in truth.

This then is how we know 
that we belong to the truth, 
and how we set our hearts at rest 
in his presence 
whenever our hearts condemn us. 
For God is greater than our hearts, 
and he knows everything!
Dear friends,
if our hearts do not condemn us, 
we have confidence before God 
and receive from him anything we ask, 
because we obey his commands
and do what pleases him. 
And this is his command: 
to believe in the name of his Son,
Jesus Christ, 
and to love one another
as he commanded us. 
Those who obey his commands
live in him, 
and he in them.

this is how we know 
that he lives in us:
We know it by the Spirit he gave us.


Hi Karin, Great post.... This is what I know: That I love God with all of my heart and that God loves me unconditionally.... WOW--how awesome is that.
George said…
Thank you for a beautiful and thoughtful post.
Ginny Hartzler said…
This is what I know - this is a really good post that we all need to remember! Our actions are the only sermon that some will see.
Jane said…
Karin - This is a really beautiful post. I love your words.

Glenda said…
In this ever-changing, chaotic world, it's so good to KNOW these basic Bible truths! We need to hear them - and live them - more than ever!
ellen b. said…
Amen! A great series to read this morning!!
Judy said…
How nice to be reminded that we can KNOW we are children of God.
Nikki (Sarah) said…
just found your blog. Great feel here and I like the positiveness.
Hi Karin,

Came via Ginny's post. It is as though I am one of the mothers you mentioned, and you are one of the nurses.

My son died, but during his time in ICU, he had two wonderful nurses.

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