76. Spending time with my friend Erica, putting together some 10 Christmas shoe boxes/backpacks.  For months she plans, buys and then has friends come over to help pack everything up - she's aiming for a few hundred containers I think. She has a huge house and the whole family room is filled with supplies.

77. That the laundry basically does itself – I just have to put it into the machines and fold it later. I remember washdays with my mother in the old country – a washboard, a huge zinc tub straddled over two stools, boiling the water, hanging the wash on the line outside in the warm months, and hanging it in the attic during the winter; when dry then ironing everything and putting it away. We’ve come a long way!!

78. Many perfect days in October – 21C or 70F – whichever you prefer. Still went barefoot in sandals yesterday.

79. A fun movie – The Terminal – reminding me of our immigrant days and the difficulties our parents had with learning the language.

80. Ability to still put my thankful thoughts on paper.

81. A beautiful apartment in a lovely building - home sweet home.

82. The housekeeping staff who keeps this place meticulous – a woman after my own heart when it comes to cleanliness.

83. My job and that I get paid for doing the ministry to seniors that I love.

84. E-mail forwards that bless me with inspirational themes and verses and the funny ones that make me laugh.

85. For a wonderful helpful hubby who does the weekly shopping and vacuuming.

86. For the beauty of the Earth; For the glory of the skies; For the love which from our birth, Over and around us lies; Lord of all, to Thee we raise This, our hymn of grateful praise.

Interesting bark on that stand of birch!
Or are they even birch????
Opa walking with granddaughter.

87. For a great trip - lots of laughs and fun with the children and grandchildren! Loved the evening family devotion time with the kids participating.  What a blessing.

88. For protection on our drive back yesterday - most of the way we had pea-soup fog.  Today woke up to the first dusting of snow this season! Only 5 months until spring!

89. A new staff in our department at work – a very caring young man with a beautiful wife and 2 cute little girls.

90. Good health, with just a few age related challenges. Who doesn't have those.

 Give thanks to the LORD, 
call on his name;
 make known among the nations 
what he has done.
1 Chronicles 16:8


Marg said…
I enjoyed reading your blessings.
So many of them I could ditto, and then I smile and know that God hears my heart...I don't need to repeat them all.
It is so much fun getting paid for something you love...I'm really enjoying my paid position. It's totally inspired and motivated me.
Bernie said…
I love reading what you are thankful for, you have been very blessed my friend. Glad you are home, my friend said Hwy 2 was pretty bad this morning...:-)Hugs
Ginny Hartzler said…
Who will Erica's shoeboxes and backpacks go to? Oh,I am so scared of the fog. We live at the foot of Afton Mountain and have to go over from time to time. The fog there can get so bad they have special lights embedded in the interstate and a fog sensor camera. Once there was a pileup of over 60 cars! And yet when we get back down here to the valley, it's bright and clear! You have snow? Only five months till spring, I like the way you think!!
Glenda said…
Your praise is so uplifting! We are indeed so blessed!! Family time is one of our priceless blessings. I think it's wonderful that you are making memories with the kids as you have devotion time with them. That's one of the greatest gifts you'll ever give them!
pam said…
Wonderful list Karin....I love those trees whatever they are. And SNOW ALREADY!!!! Wow...we had a lot of snow last year that hung around. I don't have to get out and commute so I love it but I'm not sure if others around here would want to start this early.

I added that photo to my blog in a different way. Thanks for the heads up that it wasn't working...hopefully it shows now.

Hope you have a grand week Karin!
George said…
We had to do some driving in fog on our trip, so I'm also thankful for safe travel under such conditions. Thank you for another inspiring list.
Judy said…
Praise really is uplifting! Thanks for sharing your blessings with us.

What a lot of shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse...and a good reminder to me that it is time!
Hi Karin, You were gone the same time that we were... Sounds like you had a great trip also... We had a marvelous time...

Love reading about all of your blessings... My church in Hendersonville does those Christmas shoeboxes... How neat is that!!!!!

How was the volleyball tournament?
Lady Dorothy said…
I love your gratefulness for laundry that basically does itself. I've thought this many times. What a great blessing!
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed this post so very much. Sweet memories of days gone by and so much to be thankful for. Wishing you many blessings this day.
Jan said…
Love reading your praise list, Karen.
And I had a copper outdoors when I first married, now just pop it in any time of day.
Love and blessings, Jan
Wonderful blessings and things to be Thankful for!!

Thanks too for the reminder about laundry. I will never complain again about folding clothes! :-) I need that!!

Have a Wonderful Friday, Karin!!

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