view from the upstairs outside balcony.

It's a sleepy, drizzling, overcast day here

Don't have anything on the agenda

I think it's time again

 for me to

count some more blessings!

I know I'll never get finished

but at least I can start!

Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Let's go!! 

1. The gift of time to do just what He lays upon my heart
2. An answer to prayer - our d-i-l got a job
3. A godly friend is now in the Presence of Whom he believed
4. Opportunity to carry grieving, loved ones in prayer
5. New friends in blogland

You are welcome to join:


Unknown said…
Oh how right you are to be counting our blessings. For some reason, the human nature I guess, to to sometimes get overwhelmed by the burdens that we feel we are under. So that all it takes is just a little adjustment of our thoughts and feelings to get back on the right path. Of course that can only happen with God's abundant graces out there for us. So enjoy having you stop by and visiting you here. Always an encouraging word. Blessings
pam said…
Please send your rain my way! Hope your mind is filling all day with blessings normally unnoticed.
Good idea,count blessings on a rainy day.That should keep me busy all day and then some.We are having cloudy,rainy weather today.Hope your day is wonderful.
ellen b. said…
Those are wonderful blessings to count! Have a great week.
Jane said…
Great blessings! Congrats on the DIL landing a job. Oh, we could use some rain as well!

Ginny Hartzler said…
I enjoy seeing the view from your terrace! It seems to be really flat where you live! It does look like a dismal day! A great day to count blessings. You are one of my blessings, as a new blog friend. Your wonderful encouraging comments are like a breath of fresh air!
Hi Karin, Yes---we all do need to count our blessings each and every single day... Glad your DIL got a job... That's super!!!!!

I am blessed today to see all of the beautiful roses in our yard ---and the ones my Sweetie has brought inside for me to enjoy.

Have a great day.
George said…
What a wonderful thing -- to count our blessings each and every day -- or possibly several times a day!
Doris Sturm said…
Good advice! Counting my blessings is a daily ritual with me because it's easy to forget that there are millions of people who are way worse of than oneself!
Joy said…
I grew up with the Baptist Hymnal firmly placed in hand during church. I enjoyed your post and reading all your blessing.

The song is so right when we do look back we are somtimes surprised what the Lord has done. It's good to give Him all the honor and glory.
♥ Joy
PS Enjoy your rain.
Glenda said…
I, too, am so blessed! His Love does grow sweeter each day!
Karen said…
Awesome blessings...we have so much for which to give thanks!

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