One of our grandangels fallen asleep!

Recently my sister and I reminisced  about the wonderful treasury of children's songs and prayers we inherited and passed on to our children. Now it is my niece's turn who wants to teach these to her children. This little song was sung to us by our parents and grandparents. We learned it in the old country as Muede bin ich, geh zur Ruh.  It is such a deeply meaningful prayer and has a simple, soothing melody!

I decided to translate (loosely translate!) this particular one into English.  I still recall gathering our own children for their night-time devotions, prayer and song.  What a precious time!  One of ours, can't recall who, was a night owl already as a child and didn't want us to sing that song - because it meant that after the song it was bedtime and lights out! Here way up north during the summer months, it really doesn't get dark until after 10 p.m. We never made bed-time an issue.  It was always, "Oh, you don't have to go to sleep; you just need to stay quietly in bed and you may read. It's now time for everyone to have a time to themselves." Of course we knew that they were totally tuckered out from a day full of physical and mental activities and slumber would overtake them soon! Fun memories!

As our dear mom was sick for over a week before her death, it was my joy to quietly sing some of these old time favorites softly into her ear  - and she sang along as best as she could or just mouthed the words.

Tired now, I’ll go to bed.
Close my eyes, lay down my head.
Every day I do my best
Thank you Lord! You’ll do the rest.
Please forgive my sins today
Keep me on the narrow way.
Love, forgiveness I have found!
Grace and mercy still abound.

Those I cherish and hold dear
Keep them Lord in tender care.
Thanks for loving everyone
And for sending Christ, your Son!

Comfort, heal the sick and sad,
Give them joy they’ve never had.
Jesus keep watch through the night;
Wake us with the morning light.

Karin Ristau 


Bernie said…
What a beautiful post, and I had tears thinking of you sitting with your mom and her trying to sing along with is a kind and peacful thought Karin, you seem like a wonderful mother, grandmother and daughter. Your mother is at peace now with our ever knowing Lord......:-) Hugs
Jan said…
That is so beautiful, Karin. It is lovely to be able to share a little of your family, mine are so far away, and I have been the oldest woman in my family for many many years. I had not heard the words of that bedtime prayer/song before, and love reading about your family times.
Hugs and Blessings - Jan
That is a lovely song.I can imagine how beautiful it would be in German.This is such a beautiful language,too bad it is not used much any more.I know my German is very rusty.
Glenda said…
Such a tender, peaceful post! I'm reminded of the Scripture that tells us that our God never sleeps but watches over us while we do.

Have a great weekend!
Doris Sturm said…
What a lovely story! I don't remember ever hearing that song before - maybe I forgot, but is sure is beautiful!

It's nice to reminisce and thank God for all the blessing's He's given us.
Oh what a sweet little song, Karin. I took 2 years of German in college ---but don't remember a darn thing about it now. Back then, they didn't teach a language like they do now. We didn't learn to speak it--but learned how to conjugate it and write it.. I was never good with it at all.

Did your Mom and Dad learn to speak English? I know that you kids did.. Did you teach your kids German as well as English?

I loved this post, Karin... It is just so interesting.
ellen b. said…
Love the words to this song. What a comfort before bed :0)
NCmountainwoman said…
What a sweet post! My own mother had a beautiful voice and I still hear her singing to me in my memories.
Marg said…
Isn't it beautiful to be able to wrap your head around singing some of those beautiful German songs.
I bought a version of children songs last time I was in Germany.
I can imagine how peaceful those songs were for your mother.
Sick for only one week? Such a blessing.
Karen said…
Such a sweet song and a precious post...

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