"But what about you?" he asked. 
"Who do you say I am?" 
Simon Peter answered, 
"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." 
Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, 
for this was not revealed to you by man, 
but by my Father in heaven.
Matth. 16: 15-17

Every generation since then has had to answer this for itself!  To help us know the person of Christ in all His glory, Authors Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola “hope to bring vision and understanding of Jesus into sharper focus” for the reader. “You and I are meant to be living epistles – that is, “Jesus Manifestos” – in our world.  Cities set on a hill.  Salt and light. That’s why we wrote this book.” This book is for everyone who wants a deeper relationship with our Lord!

Jesus Manifesto comes highly acclaimed by more than a dozen leaders, such as Rowan Williams, Calvin Miller, Ed Young, Jack Hayford, Shane Claiborne, Ed Stetzer, Anne Jackson and many more, whose endorsements lead off the book prior to the Introduction.

The book is less than 200 pages, easy to read but thought provoking. It is a devotional book meant to appeal to the Christian who has not truly experienced Christ, or to the Christian who may have need to rediscover Jesus – who is truly Son of Man and Son of God, or even to someone who is not yet a follower of Christ! Have your Bible close by and be sure to check all things! I appreciated reading this book.  The authors ask us to step out of the “YOUNIVERSE” of narcissistic religion and to exalt Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, as portrayed throughout the whole Bible. There is no greater calling than to let Him increase, all the while we decrease as it should be and will be.

On our last trip to Europe we visited some ancient churches and in one or two of them I had the distinct impression in my spirit that ‘Jesus doesn’t live here anymore’.  Much like this quote:  “The gospel that’s so often preached today lacks a revelation of Jesus Christ.  The contemporary gospel boils down to a fire-insurance policy, a Santa Claus God, or a performance-based religion.  As long as we stay on that plane, we’ll never see or comprehend the staggering enormity of our Lord.”

“Every revival and restoration in the church has been a rediscovery of some aspect of Christ in the process of answering the ultimate question that Jesus put to His disciples:  “Who do you say that I am?” I leave your answer with you and I hope that reading the book will be helpful in sharpening your focus!

I want to acknowledge thanks to Thomas Nelson Books for sending me a free copy to review in any way I chose.


ellen b. said…
sounds like a great read Karin!
Great book review Karin... I haven't read this one yet--but it would make a good devotional book especially for those who are searching...

I have friends who are struggling with their faith these days ---mainly because so many of today's churches are losing focus of what having Christ at the center of our lives means.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Bernie said…
Love this post and your book review, I think it would be wonderful if everyone read this book......:-) Hugs
Jan said…
That is wonderful that you have taken on book reviews.... quite a responsibility.
Have a Blessed week.
George said…
Thanks for bringing this book to our attention. I'll have to look into it.

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