And you show compassion, love, empathy.
But another’s may be one of throbbing emotions
A pain so deep where no one can see.
It’s both that will need your sensitive spirit,
Your caring concern, your fervent prayers.
The fragile faith that’s just a flickering flame
Needs another’s great faith; from a heart that dares.
She bores you to death with her conversations
Of her sadness, the memories that keep hounding her soul.
Give her of your faith, your assurance, your confidence,
That she will come through this; she will be made whole.
Again and again share with her Christ’s Good News!
Infuse her with hope that she will be set free!
This time it’s her turn to be hopeless and needy.
Next time could be your turn, my friend, don’t you see?
For the one who keeps asking as a needy, poor beggar,
Seeks just to be loved, if not understood.
Perhaps it is this one, who God sent your way,
To grow in you patience and that is so good!
Karin Ristau
♥ Joy
I have often said,that if you have a broken arm or leg,everyone can see the problem and is concerned,but what happens if the pain is not visible? I deal with lot of muscle aches and tiredness,at times,but it is not easy for people to understand because I look perfectly healthy.I am trying to be more understanding of others because of this,
Your timing...God's Timing...Divine Appointments.