It's almost here! Thanks, Evi! How do I conquer the battles of life? What do I do when there's discord and strife? How do I cope when there's turmoil within? When my soul's sad and my heart cannot sing? Who is the source of my strength? How do I juggle demands made on me? Who, what and where should have priority? How do I cope when my energy is faded? When outlook and attitude seem somewhat jaded? Who is the source of strength? Where do I go to recharge my soul? Find purpose in life, to be made whole? How can I give, and, yes, keep on giving To others, and make life worth living? Who is the source of my strength? My help comes from Jesus, God's precious Son! Only through Him are all victories won! His Spirit teaches, comforts and guides, His Word is the truth in which I abide. He is the only source of my strength. I'm touched by His love, redeemed by His grace, Renewed to keep giving just where I am placed. To glorify Him is my heart's desire...