
Showing posts from March, 2010


Link to above story here Standing to worship in reverence and awe. A flood of tears streamed down my face; What amazing love in His eyes I saw! His arms outstretched as if to say, “I love you!”  And suddenly I could see! He died for ALL on that cruel cross; But He would have died for only me! Karin Ristau


This little cross I now hold in my hand, Is not a luck charm or fine jewelery. It is a symbol of love and great sacrifice! God’s Son spilled His life-blood on Calvary. On a rugged and cruel, a hideous cross Christ suffered rejection and agony; Salvation is free, but it cost Him His life. What a symbol of hope for you and for me! “It is finished,” He cried  as He stretched out His arms. Now all those in bondage can be truly set free. Unlovely, unworthy, saved by mercy and grace! Yes, the cross is a symbol of victory. Karin Ristau

Nick Vujicic :: Attitude is Altitude :: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

What a story! Be blessed! Nick Vujicic :: Attitude is Altitude :: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries


Ken and Melissa and their three! Please help me to  welcome our daughter-in-law Melissa  to blogland!   She started her blog today at  Melissa's MOMents !   We are so proud of her  as she and our son  face the challenges of living with  her diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis  and together raising three beautiful children,  the youngest of which is autistic.  We love you and keep you in our prayers!


Picture of a painting in our Recreation Auditorium LORD Help me To remember  that if I shut my brother  or sister out of my heart, I am shutting out You, automatically. Help me To realize  that I cannot possibly worship you Until I have attempted  to reconcile and restore all relationships. Help me To never break the bridge of forgiveness Over which I must travel to you. Help me To cancel all the debt that is owed to me, As you cancel mine. Help me To understand that I have no right To vengeance or a lifetime of resentment. Help me To extend forgiveness not grudgingly, But graciously. Help me To realize that I jeopardize  my own forgiveness When I withhold it from others. Help me To be obedient To your orders for me. Help me To choose to cover an offense  and always promote love, Not separation. Help me To reconstruct and build A new and better relationship. Father, help me To be as generous with others As you have been with me. Karin Ristau


God grant me the serenity  to accept the people I cannot change,  the courage to change the one I can,  and the wisdom to know it's ME.


Thanks Betsy from Joyful Reflections This photo is from the Dogwood Tree in their yard! There is a legend that at the time of crucifixion the dogwood had been the size of the oak and other forest trees. So firm and strong was the tree that it was chosen as the timber for the cross. To be used thus for such a cruel purpose greatly distressed the tree, and Jesus nailed upon it, sensed this. In His gentle pity for all sorrow and suffering Jesus, it is told, said to the tree: " Because of your regret and pity for My suffering, never again shall the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used as a cross. Henceforth it shall be slender and bent and twisted and its blossoms shall be in the form of a cross--two long and two short petals. And in the center of the outer edge of each petal there will be nail prints, brown with rust and stained with red, and in the center of the flower will be a crown of thorns, and all who see it will remember." The pink dogwood is said ...


Do you know God makes the snow Nourishing All things that grow Though this blanket Huge and white Keeps the process Out of sight With the promise Every year Spring will Make it disappear?  


Here is one of Patrick's lesser known prayers,  which I shamelessly took from  Josh Mueller at Open Conversations blog.   Thanks Josh! (For many years, Pastor Josh has been  a faithful community clergy volunteer   in ministry to the German speaking residents,  where I work.) Prayer for the Faithful May the Strength of God guide us. May the Power of God preserve us. May the Wisdom of God instruct us. May the Hand of God protect us. May the Way of God direct us. May the Shield of God defend us. May the Angels of God guard us. - Against the snares of the evil one. May Christ be with us! May Christ be before us! May Christ be in us, Christ be over all! May Thy Grace, Lord, Always be ours, This day, O Lord, and forevermore. Amen.


Thanks to Irene from Academy Florists! This bouquet is here to tell you HE loves you! HE loves you! HE loves you!  HE loves you!  HE loves you! HE loves you! HE loves you! HE loves you!  Ad Infinitum! Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so!! Bask in HIS love today and always!


It's almost here!  Thanks, Evi! How do I conquer the battles of life? What do I do when there's discord and strife? How do I cope when there's turmoil within? When my soul's sad and my heart cannot sing? Who is the source of my strength? How do I juggle demands made on me? Who, what and where should have priority? How do I cope when my energy is faded? When outlook and attitude  seem somewhat jaded? Who is the source of strength? Where do I go to recharge my soul? Find purpose in life, to be made whole? How can I give, and, yes, keep on giving To others, and make life worth living? Who is the source of my strength? My help comes from Jesus,  God's precious Son! Only through Him are all victories won! His Spirit teaches, comforts and guides, His Word is the truth in which I abide. He is the only source of my strength. I'm touched by His love,  redeemed by His grace, Renewed to keep giving  just where I am placed. To glorify Him is my heart's desire...


  Artist - Gustav Semler This painting hangs in the Recreation Auditorium where I work. It depicts the sod-turning ceremony for our Kensington Village site. A friend e-mailed me this story and I wanted to share it with you! A brother and sister had made their usual hurried, obligatory pre-Christmas visit to the little farm where dwelt their elderly parents with their small herd of horses. The farm was where they had grown up and had been named Lone Pine Farm because of the huge pine, which topped the hill behind the farm. Through the years the tree had become a talisman to the old man and his wife, and a landmark in the countryside. The young siblings had fond memories of their childhood here, but the city hustle and bustle added more excitement to their lives, and called them away to a different life. The old folks no longer showed their horses, for the years had taken their toll, and getting out to the barn on those frosty mornings was getting harder, but it gave them a rea...


    An arrangement I made years ago, that still enhances our chapel. Psalm 92 A psalm. A song. For the Sabbath day. It is good to praise the LORD     and make music to your name,  O Most High,   to proclaim your love in the morning        and your faithfulness at night,   to the music of the ten-stringed lyre        and the melody of the harp.   For you make me glad by your deeds, O LORD;        I sing for joy at the works of your hands.   How great are your works, O LORD,        how profound your thoughts!   The senseless man does not know,        fools do not understand,   that though the wicked  spring up like grass        and all evildoers flourish,        they will be forever destroyed.  But you...


   Spring view from my sister's house last year!  Thanks Chris! I wish we had that too! Just thinking of you as I enjoy reading your blogs!  Wishing you a wonderful week-end!