
Showing posts from July, 2009


Good Morning! You have reached the blog of Karin, grandmother of 9, mother of 3, wife of 1, multi-faceted, multi-skilled, multi-joyful, and multi-goofy! I'll be away from my desk until after the long week-end. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for calling and God bless you! Love,


Many of her teenage girlfriends had interesting and various career dreams for their lives, but her dream had always been to be wife and mother. She knew there was no nobler calling! In her growing up years, girls prepared to have a career before they married, as well as to have something they could fall back on after the children were grown. The in-between years were dedicated to being a stay-at-home mom. She respected women who chose to totally invest in the lives of their children during the formative years, rather than bring in a double income. She wanted nothing more than to be one of those moms! When the Lord determined whom she would marry, and if God would bless them with the children of their love, she wanted to teach them to love Jesus, to have a servant heart, to be loving, caring and encouraging in all relationships, and to prepare them to fly their own kite in this life when they grew up. Now, after all is said and done and she is a grandmother, she looks back an...


Thanks to Betty from Paraguay, at her new blog, A glimpse into midlife I get to do an interesting meme. I quite enjoy doing memes because I run out of ideas for my blog. Imagine, moi, who is otherwise fairly creative!! Here are the rules:
 1. Respond and rework, (or not) ; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention or add one more question of your own. 2. Tag other people (or not) . Sounds simple enough, right?
 Here are my answers...

 What is your current obsession/hobby/spare time activity? In my spare time I’m always on my laptop. Reading blogs, chatting with my daughters, sister on facebook, playing FarmTown application, playing Scrabble and blogging. For a number of years I was a volunteer in the Christian chat ministry! Hey, I should get back into that! What are you wearing today?
 We’re having a beautiful hot day here and I’ve got on Capri pants, a t-shirt and a smile! What’s for dinner?
 We don’t hav...




A post by Don Bryant at From My Heart, Out Of My Mind brought back many wonderful memories. In all my years on this beautiful planet earth, I have never once had regret about keeping the Sunday set apart before I came apart. It is one of those ‘holy habits’ my parents instilled in me and I’m ever so thankful. Oh, of course, as teens we sometimes mocked our parents for their sense of ‘duty’ or legalistically keeping the Sunday! We soon realized, however, that the time spent in fellowship with family, with other believers, by ourselves reading, writing in our journal, playing our instrument, singing together around the piano, going for a leisurely walk to the park, alone or with a friend, were not only a valuable spiritual discipline, but met the needs of our emotional and physical life as well. Sundays were always wonderful days - with the exception of a few sad ones. We got to wear 'Sunday-go-to-meeting' clothes. They were different from our normal school or play clothes....


with thanks for permission from Betsy at Joyful Reflections ! Father, You’ve given a beautiful sunset for my enjoyment. And the gift of this day has come to a close. I have not accomplished anything I set out to do, But I did the things You had in mind for me to do. I now reflect upon the various encounters of this day. I realize that all these interruptions ~ were sent by You ~ and were my ministry today! Now I trust that what was said influenced a life for the good and made an impact for eternity. I know that you sent that person into my life for a purpose, To lift him in prayer To listen with my heart To lighten his load To love him to you! Thank you that each day is another opportunity to live life to the fullest. From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same, The Name of the Lord is to be praised! Karin Ristau


My walk with You Lord, is exciting and real. You showed me love, and I have not been the same. My greatest desire, my Father and God Is to lift up, exalt and sing praise to your Name. My words, my dear Father, are not what they should be. Forgive me again, I say things rather impulsively. Many words have been said that I would gladly retract. Thank you that Your Holy Spirit keeps working on me. My work is the place where You want me to show How my walk with You is transforming me. It’s here that You are using my words, let them be kind and true, To let others through my walk Your beauty see. Thank you that daily You walk close beside me Your words are a comfort, a strength to my soul. Your work in me is not done, is not finished, For I am Your child, being made whole. Karin Ristau


Pic is from the blog A dear friend sent me this story on the e-mail. I googled it and came up with this link ! Enjoy! I didn't have time to read the rest of the blog yet......


MY PRAYER PATH Walking through my neighborhood Then down a lovely country road I see the wonders God has made And everything is good! The air smells sweet after the rain. The sun's majestic in the sky. Along this lonely, tree-edged lane I feel God's presence nigh. This is the place my soul bares all To Him who knows me best. Here no one sees my teardrops fall Here's where my heart finds peace and rest. I pray for my dear loved one's here, Bring them before His throne. God answers prayers in His time As I my needs make known. I listen to His still, small voice As silently I walk. When He sends tests along life's way It is with Him I talk. When I am stressed, He is my strength, My refuge when in pain. When I am anxious He's my calm His peace hugs me again. Each step I take along this path I feel His love and care. We'll walk together God and I In sweet communion there. Karin Ristau


What a lovely gift book that just fits in the palm of your hand. It contains short devotions for every day of the year. Each day presents a new thought or a new focus that is given to the reader as if Jesus Himself were speaking. It may stump some people that the author writes in this manner, but the reader must remember that this is what Sarah perceives, i.e. her inspirational diary. The author and her husband have been missionaries, planting churches in Japan and Australia. Reading Sarah’s daily devotionals one gains a deeper perspective of her desire for intimacy with the Lord. She had been journaling faithfully as she studied God’s Word, but felt that when she wrote a monologue, she was doing the talking. When prompted in her spirit to start writing down what she felt that the Lord was impressing upon her heart for that day, she realized that this was now more a dialogue! Sarah reminds readers that her writings are not inspired as are the Scriptures, but that what she was writ...


Off this early morn' to head to southern Alberta to visit our daughter and family who just moved there last week! Looking forward to seeing y'all when I get back! Pray that the Lord would provide the teaching jobs for both. Hubby is still with our son and family until next Thursday! Busy times - but God is good and gives new strength, mercy, hope and love for every new day. We also thank Him for the 2 day rain He sent!!! Hugs, Karin


Someone you love Lord is tired and weary; Someone you love Lord is lonely today. Someone you love needs a touch from your hand Lord, That’s why I’m here, to petition and pray. You are at work Lord all over the world, Yet You stop and listen to words that I say! I may talk to God! Amazing this mystery! In Your Presence I bow and now humbly I pray. It’s not my prayers that have inherent power! Words straight from the heart – weak, honest, sincere – Are carried on wings to the Throne of our Father And HE is the Power! Every prayer He does hear! Sometimes when I’ve prayed, He’s sent me to the lonely! To show His love, give encouragement too! So when God listens and hears all our prayers He may send the answer through me or through you! Karin Ristau


Psalm 15 A psalm of David. 1 LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? 2 He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart 3 and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, 4 who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the LORD, who keeps his oath even when it hurts, 5 who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken.


Saw a blog recently called Woman of Wisdom hosted by Queenmothermamaw which reminded me of a poem I wrote many years ago. What caught my eye was that this lady is from Kentucky and we had the pleasure of living in KY for a year and half during hubby's sabbatical. A very special time in our lives. This poem was written more than 15 years ago for a special women's celebration at which I was the guest speaker. For all of you who need this reminder today - here it is! W o W You’re a woman of worth Loved perfectly by the Lord! Be a woman of wisdom , Your life fully based on His Word, Be a woman of wealth, As you store up eternal treasure! Be a woman of warmth Giving and loving In bountiful measure. In valleys, as a woman of weeping Discover His wellspring of joy; With praises and singing and prayer The works of the devil destroy. Be a woman of wonder; How God is working In and through you! Let your wisdom and wealth , Bring glory to Him in all that you do. Be a woman of worship ,...


Happy Birthday, dearest Canada! Best wishes we send you. May our great nation honor God; May you be strong and true. May all God’s people in this land Get on their knees to pray, Repent from all their wickedness Walk on the narrow way. Each choose to do what’s true and right, Be honest, humble all their days. Then God will surely hear from heaven And heal this Land; bless you always. And may all those who still don’t know Him Have their eyes opened so that they can see Almighty God, through His Son Jesus Christ, Extends to everyone Salvation, full and free! We love our Land, our cherished home; Our precious freedoms – every one. May all your children give God thanks When all is said and done! Karin Ristau