
Showing posts from June, 2009


Just read this post - Praying For The Chair by Jim at A Place For The God-Hungry ! Her name was Emma Daniel Gray. Just the other day, she passed away . I think many of us will be surprised to find that the person who does his/her job with a servant-hearted attitude as unto the Lord, a life-time of perhaps not being recognized by those they so lovingly serve, and possibly a feeling of not ever having made a difference, are, in fact, in God's eyes, the greater movers and shakers of this world than those who think much to highly of themselves - and we of them! I know that's a long sentence, but that's just how it poured out of my heart! Loved the story! I'm sure there are many more like it that never make the news - yet God sees them all.


PSALM 8 A psalm of David. 1 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. 3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? 5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. 6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: 7 all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, 8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. 9 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!


Appreciated this article at Nehemia Ministries and was reminded of a poem I wrote a long while ago. BROKEN DREAMS When no one’s around and we’re honest with God We all have hidden and cherished dreams, But when God says NO to our wishes and hopes Accepting His Will may be painful it seems. It’s so easy to be disappointed and sad, To be so distraught over what we’ve let go, That we forget all the blessings He’s given, While we’re pining away because He said, “No.” Some goals for our life we may never realize And that’s a hard pill to swallow. With David of old reflect on your life, But let not your thoughts in self-pity wallow! Remember your victories, learn from your defeats Give Him the praise and the glory! Thank Him for all the good He has done. Keep living for Him, He’s still writing your story! Serve God with your whole heart, in joy and contentment. Be strong and courageous. Be not afraid. You’re never alone in your journey of life. God will not fail you! Be not dismayed. Do not...


Lakeside hall and cabin in the woods at Lake Nutimik, Whiteshell area of Manitoba, Canada My favorite childhood Camp! With the same anticipation I had for Christmas as a child, I looked forward to camp every year! As immigrants we could not afford camp. Our Sunday school offered an exciting option! All children who memorized 152 verses of Scripture a year received all camp expenses paid. Imagine that! What a snap! Every Sunday I recited my verses to my teacher who kept track and assigned the next ones. For 6 years camp was paid! My motives as a child were obviously not that noble. I just wanted to go to have fun. But God saw to it that I received the huge benefit of having His Word hid in my heart. My very first camp at age eleven remains a blessed memory! Camp Counsellor Ida Hoffman told the stories of Jesus with such love. When at the end of one of her stories she asked, “Would anyone here like to invite Jesus into their heart?” I rushed up front. I understood that my heart was black...


From Ruth's Blog - check out her many gorgeous photos here Matthew 6:26 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!


My father's hands provide well for our family, In quiet strength he leads and he protects. Gently he guides, builds up, gives affirmation, Each child in truth and tenderness corrects. My father's soul is blessed with joy and gladness He sees each one with tender eyes of love. He finds new strength while listening, talking, praying, With God, His heavenly Father up above. My father's heart is open wide for others. He shares his faith and is a loyal friend. Gives of himself in ways one cannot measure, Is patient, kind, each quarrel he will mend. CHORUS: My father's love, a precious, treasured blessing! It gives assurance for the trials I face. It conquers fear, gives strength for every testing. I know his love, his heart of grace! Karin Ristau Mel. But until then


Trying to catch up on reading all my blog places I visit (I don't imagine I'll ever get done because you've all been so busy writing while I was away!!) I found this post over at Family Fountain. Pop over for a visit to Warren's blog to see this video ! Very creative........had tears in my eyes.....


The weather was perfect for the family barbecue! My sister and brother-in-law had organized it all - they truly have the gift of hospitality. It was great to see my brother and his dear wife, as well as some, but unfortunately not all, the nieces and nephews and their little ones! What a wonderful family! What a busy place - with watching the little ones at play and enjoying their food and having wonderful conversation - catching up on everyone's lives! God is good! There was lots to do for those little ones! Oh, what a adorable children - each one of them. We relaxed and had a lot of fun! Harrison Hot Springs is always a fantastic day-trip whenever we head down to Chilliwack. This is a pic of my hubby and my sister standing beside me! Brother-in-law was taking the pictures. Enjoyed that Italian Gelato! What a magnificent view! My sweet sis and her husband! Just one view of the Harrison Hotsprings Hotel ! What gorgeous, relaxing surroundings! At a different time of year there are s...


We left home around 7 a.m. on Thursday, June 4th, to beat the early morning rush of those who are not on vacation and have to go to work! What a wonderful drive west to Jasper National Park. We were thrilled to see a black bear crossing the road, mountain goats grazing on the fresh greens, bighorn sheep doing gymnastics on the sheer cliffs and coyotes chasing each other across the highway. The one coyote actually stopped the chase, looked at us in the car and seemed quite annoyed that we spoiled his chase! Whenever I saw beautiful falls trickling or gushing down the mountain side I thought of Betsy and George from Tennessee who simply love waterfalls! They are going have to visit the Canadian Rockies! Lunch in Valemount and then in Clearwater around 3 p.m. we stopped at the Dutch Lake Motel. What a surprise to find hidden away behind the motel a peaceful lake! Here are two links: One and Two to see the pictures we saw! Hubby and I simply enjoyed sitting on a log swing, listening t...


It's Father's Day this month and I would like to re-post from June of 2008! Almost everywhere in today’s media, men are being insulted, humiliated or dishonoured. Some commercials make men look like they can’t take care of their children or even know how to run a simple household appliance. Quick wit and good humour are appreciated, but these are neither funny, quick nor witty. I dislike it when men are made to look like macho morons or wimps, fools, and losers. Recently a single mom explained how awkward she felt when even a group of Christian women paraded their husband’s ‘flaws’ for everyone’s amusement. One professor asked two teams, one of men, one of women students to write down their team’s strengths and weaknesses and then the other team’s strengths and weakness. What one team perceived as their strengths, the other team saw as their weaknesses. When the men claimed they were intellectual, level-headed and logical, the women cried, “That’s the trouble with you, you are ...


Thinking on these things today...... He Must Increase by Chip Brogden “He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30).” These seven words found in John 3:30 contain the entire mystery of God’s dealings with man from ages past to eternity future. “He [Christ] must increase.” All of God’s works are towards this end of increasing Christ. In other words, everything God has done, is doing, and will do is related towards revealing His Son and bringing us into the full-knowledge (epignosis) of Him. The goal is for Christ to have the preeminence in all things, beginning with us individually as disciples, then with the Church, and finally with all creation, “that He may be All in All.” He MUST increase. Isaiah tells us that there will be no end of the increase of His government and peace. In the beginning was the Word, and we can see how God has worked steadily from th...