Revealing our feelings of frustrations, failures, and fears to others, might bring rejection, but only from humans, never from God. In fact, God works best through our weak position, for then His power is shown through us, His strength is seen in us, and He alone is glorified.

Have you ever made a list of your weaknesses? Are you afraid to be so introspective? Will your self-sufficiency be shattered? That’s exactly what God has in mind! Off with the mask! Let’s make a list of all the weaknesses and circumstances that we cannot change, but let’s go a step further and contrast our list of weaknesses, with a list of the awesome attributes and qualities of God! Then we have a true estimation of ourselves, seeing God in all His Holiness, Majesty and Power, and ourselves as we really are.

Of course, we would much rather that God showcase our strengths! After all, aren’t Spirit-filled Christians always victorious? However, an exercise of such reflective deep thought draws us closer to God because we at long last realize our spiritual bankruptcy. Then we acknowledge our helplessness, our need of Him and of each other in our journey of life. “How could Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, love someone like me who has so many weak areas?” we may ask. Our heart’s eyes will be opened to see how great and deep and wide the Father’s love is for us. That knowledge is too wonderful and we can’t help but be overwhelmed with profound gratitude and astonished by intense joy.

Has there been trauma in your life?
God is the Healer, restoring what is broken!
Are you fearful in certain circumstances?
God is Perfect Love, which casts out fear.
Do you suffer from anxious thoughts?
God is a Refuge and Strength.
Do you feel anger at injustice done, to others or to you?
Relax, God is your Defender and He also forgives your anger.
Do roller-coaster emotions threaten to overwhelm you at times?
Let God be your Firm Foundation, a Solid Rock.
Do you have physical, mental or emotional limitations?
God is a faithful Provider. Trust him.
Are jealousies and envy two green-eyed monsters under your bed?
Let God be your Counsellor, bringing peace, joy, contentment and a grateful heart.
Are you impatient, impulsive and intolerant?
God is your Teacher who will cause His Holy Spirit
to let the fruit of the Spirit be evident in your life.
Are you possessive of people and things?
God is the Giver; release everything and everyone to Him,
especially those you love the most.
Do you struggle with your less then admirable personality traits?
For every weakness and challenge you face, God is the answer.

After making one list of your weaknesses, contrasting that with the second list of the inexhaustible attributes of God, start a third list of all the blessings received. I say ‘start’ because like me you’ll never finish it! Place it where you can always look at it. Every breath we take is reason for giving thanks and remembering His goodness. The awesome Gift of His Holy Spirit is revealed through us especially when we know ourselves to be weak, not when we presume ourselves to be strong. His signature of grace is engraved upon our lives forever. Give Him thanks with a joyful heart! Remember His kindness, mercy, grace and blessings to you and pass them on to give hope to the generations.


teri-free2bme said…
Well said, Karin! Great post!

As Scripture tells us (2 Corinthians 12:9 &10)...(Jesus speaking)"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."(Paul speaking) Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

May all the Glory be HIS and His alone as He strengthens us through our circumstances and our weaknesses.

My "mask" came off not too long ago (several years ago); the freedom of being "bare naked" before God is awesome. No longer a "people pleaser" and "self sufficient", I have an audience of One and a God who is Lord of my life.

Thanks for the great blog post and allowing the Lord to use you to inspire others. Thanks also for the sweet and encouraging comments you posted on my blog.

Blessings to you, Karin~
Kimberly Pitman said…
Thank you, Karin, for this inspiring piece. Sometimes it is hard to be ourselves before God or man. How ludicrous this is when we consider that God looks on our hearts anyway which means He knows us much better than we know ourselves. We're not admitting anything to God. We're just accepting the truth about ourselves.

God gave us all talents and abilities, all of which are to be used for His glory. What a great God we serve!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this post. Very uplifting and convicting. When reading this, the same scripture Teri quotes above came to mind. I'm so grateful for my imperfections, because they allow me to worship a God who has none!

Thanks also for the encouraging words on my site this weekend. :)
You are such a blessing! I love reading your blog.

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