God brings to light all the evil desires
And He makes known all deceit of the heart.
For in the presence of His Holy Purity
All of the darkness must flee and depart.
He will reveal all the wicked intentions.
He will reveal the real motives inside.
For in the presence of His Power and Majesty
He will reveal all, and no one can hide.
And God will frustrate the private agendas
And He will thwart every devious plan
For in the presence of God’s Holy Will
What are the lofty plans of man?
If there’s repentance and total surrender
He’ll cleanse the soul with His perfect Light.
For in the presence of His Loving kindness
There’s healing, and cleansing, then doing what’s right.
For once we did live in the darkness of sin
But now we are bathed in the Light of our Lord!
The fruit of the Light is to live in His goodness,
Be filled with His Spirit and live by His Word.

Karin Ristau


Unknown said…
God will frustrate the private agendas and reveal all the wicked intentions. Karin this is amazing. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. What peace it brings to me knowing He is always in control. Blessings
Anonymous said…
I always enjoy your poetry, Karin. Hope you have a nice week.

Mrs. M. Lane
George said…
This is a beautiful tribute to His Light. Thanks for the reminder that He will frustrate the private agendas devious plans.
Hootin Anni said…
This should be posted in every jailhouse and death row chambers....incredibly written!! Once again, I'm in awe. And as for your 'criticism' post below this...that too is an eye opener. Thing is, a lot of criticism is handed out without thinking of how hurtful it can be. Those who criticize should think first, and if it's helpful, then yes...give it in a gentler, kinder way.

Gulf Waters

Hope your week is off to a grand beginning!!
Anonymous said…
Filled with His Spirit and live by His Word. My constant prayer in life. Thanks for stating this so beautifully. Blessings, Deb
Doris Sturm said…
nicely said, Karin- and so true!
Glenda said…
"Whom the Lord loves, He chastens." It's not pleasant to see ourselves as He sees us, but I'm so glad He desires to make us more like Him. An obedient, surrendered heart is what He desires - and makes possible!

Beautiful poem!
U are very talented poem writer .It is just awesome.

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