Abundant fruit this year!

"I am come that they might have life,"
Abundant, full and free.
Not earthly treasures, wealth or gain,
But truth and liberty.
I am come that in the midst of strife,
They may find true and lasting peace.

"I am come that they might have life,"
And blessings from above.
Not free from thorny paths or pain,
But fullness of my love.
I am come that in the midst of sorrow
They may find real and wonderful joy.

"I am come that they might have life,"
And guidance without end.
Not loneliness, but fellowship,
I am their trusted Friend!
I am come that in the midst of darkness
They may find radiance in my light.

"I am come that they might have life,"
Abundant life eternally.
Not fear, anxiety or tears,
But life that sets the captive free.
I am come that in the midst of despair,
They may find fulfillment of their hope.

Karin Ristau©


Mari said…
That's another beautiful poem! You really brought out the abundant life God promises.
PS - I've got a question about the comment you left. You talked about the other vegetables you roasted. Do they all take about the same amount of time as potatoes? It sounds so good!
ellen b. said…
I always enjoy reading your encouraging poems Karin!
Ruth Hiebert said…
A hearty 'AMEN' from here.
George said…
Thanks for another wonderful poem. Your poems are always beautiful and contain great messages.
Ginny Hartzler said…
A wonderful summer poem! And perfect picture of juicy abundance to go with it!
I agree with Ruth... AMEN!!!!
I say Amen.

You write beautifully.
Hootin Anni said…
Karin...this one is so powerful!!! You never cease to amaze me.

Happy Friday to you.

Anonymous said…
Wonderful poem, Karin. Have a blessed weekend.
Linda said…
Love the poem Karin. I am so glad that Jesus came! What would we do without our Lord?

Have a blessed day my friend!

Your poems are like a devotional to me! I am always blessed.

American strawberries are very big. What a lovely fruit bowl to bring to my house at my pot luck dinner.
Sandy said…
You share your faith so beautifully! Thanks!
Doris Sturm said…
You write such beautiful poetry, Karin! Have you compiled a book of your works? My friend Lucy is a natural poet also and together we compiled all her poetry and took it to the printers and had little booklets made up for fundraiser items for her church!
Kimberly Pitman said…
The picture of the fruit is gorgeous as is the poem! I am so grateful to the Lord for the life that He provides, both now and throughout eternity.
Terra said…
"Not fear, anxiety or tears" is beautifully stated.
Yes, beautiful words! So much truth and warmth from your poems, Karin! XOXO

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