Thank you Father
That you see into the innermost recesses
of our hearts and still love us.
Why do people fear to be vulnerable with each other?
Especially in the Family of God
there should be such transparency
so that you can instantly use us
to minister to each other’s need.
We all have needs.

We are all flawed.
No one has achieved perfection
or even a level of maturity
that does not struggle with one issue or another.
You want us to be a source of encouragement to each other.
How can we be that
if we will not allow the other one to see our heart?
Father help us to deal with each other with
and understanding
which comes from having experienced
your help first-hand
in our all our own trying circumstances.
You are always there for us.
Let us be the catalyst through
which you affect the needed transformation.
Let us hold each others heart
with the utmost of care and tender pure love.
Let us care more for the others needs than our own.
For it is so often that when we meet anothers needs
our own are met.
Thank you for the incredible way you
accelerate our growth
when we drop our masks
abandon pretense
shake off pride
acknowledge weakness
recognize our need
lose our self-sufficiency
other-centered focus
in order to become
beautiful Christ-led servant-heart followers
who live in forgiveness and true love.



Thank you my friend for such an encouraging post today. I know God is at work ... HE is refining us. HE has been speaking to me about the same thing you have written about today.
You are in my prayers my sister in Christ.
ellen b. said…
Amen Karin.
I still need a lot of help in "laying down my life" for others. Have a wonderful day...
Glenda said…
Oh, Karin, there is so much truth in what you wrote here. Taking off our masks is difficult because we don't want others to see our cracks - our broken places. But Jesus can be glorified when we allow Him to shine through those cracks. God has given you such powerful insights; thank you for allowing Him to use you.
Ginny Hartzler said…
People are so afraid to let their real selves be seen and known. And sadly, they are right in some cases. We all need to be SO accepting!! But I totally agree, it's in meeting the needs of others that our own needs are met, in more ways than one and on many levels. Great writing.
Douglas Dahl said…
Geat poem. Amazing how God knows us in the innermost of our hearts and still loves us and even gave his life for us before we even loved him. You would think we could be a little tenderer to each other..
Lady Dorothy said…
What an amazing amount of truth you packed into one post!
Doris Sturm said…
Amen! What a lovely prayer - we have so much to be thankful for and ought not be afraid to open up to one another, but, being human, and having been hurt before, it's sometimes a bit scary to bear your all...

Thanks, Karin, for stopping by my blog and YES you can come and visit any time; we can even switch houses during the winter because I miss the snow terribly!
such beauty...and truth..

I love it

Sandy said…
A beautiful prayer, Karin. Thanks!
Regina said…
Amen. Its beautiful!

Have a wonderful new week.

George said…
Thank you for this wonderful post about the encouragement we each receive from our Heavenly Father. Now if we would only encourage one another.
C. JoyBell C. said…
I beautiful poem, Karin! How dedicated to God you are...

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