In loving Memory of my dear sister-in-law ALMA PENNO RISTAU Eulogy as presented at the funeral by her oldest son, David Ristau Alma always liked talking about her history and she asked to me to talk about her life, even on the last day she was conscious and staring intently at the ceiling listening to Tante Gertie and me talking about their life in the old country. That was my last memory of my Mother. Alma’s life was one of hardship but she also enjoyed many blessings that The Lord had provided for her. Alma was born on October 20, 1937 in Tcherepaschnik, a German village in the province of Volinia (Volhynia), Poland to her parents Gottlieb and Julianne Penno. The Forefathers of the Pennos had already lived in Volinia for several generations when Alma was born. Alma’s great-grandparents were originally from Germany and they were promised land in Volinia. Land was hard to come by in Germany, as much of it belonged to the various Barons and was tended by the ser...