
Showing posts from December, 2012


Sorry, it's a little blurry - done on my iPhone Wow, how fast the year 2012 marched along - waiting for no one. A year full of great challenges - too long to list them all - maybe a few - our move, diagnoses, surgeries, treatments, adjustments, infections, more treatments, quite a few ambulance rides, appointments and add to that daily life as the seasons came and went.  Yet, in all and through it all we've felt that even though we might have wanted to let go and give up, the Lord has kept us safe in His Almighty Hand! We could trust Him to never let us go, to never leave us or forsake us, to show us our total dependence on Him, and to keep us in perfect peace even in these great storms of life.  With hubby now in the hospital since November 30 and waiting for an assessment as to what level of care he will require, we are in a holding pattern - the waiting game - designed to teach us patience! Tears amid the joys - Light amid the darkness - Peace amid the threateni...