Last week we had our nursing home auxiliary meeting. I was asked to bring some devotional thoughts and share our personal situation. Then I thought that I should use this also as a blogpost. In the last four months, the following words from Job of the Old Testament have often passed our lips. “Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?" I could now take the time to tell you all the difficult details of Peter’s and my health situation, but I think that would be putting the focus on us rather than on the Lord. That’s why I’m thankful for this opportunity to share a few thoughts with you about the Lord's work with us. God’s timing in our move to the Millwoods Manor was amazing. We had no idea that so soon after moving in, within a month actually, we would be applying for Home Care help. We are totally settled in and enjoy living here! God’s faithfulness was evident every step of the way: ·...