From Melissa's MOMents,
our daughter-in-law's blog
where you can read the story of Aidan!
Still learning to humble ourselves
and ask for help - not easy when
you've been raised to say, 
"I can do this on my own."

Check out the link where you can give
should you feel led to participate and help.

Ristau Family



Ginny Hartzler said...

She has a nice blog, it looks like one she just recently started? So many different theories about autism, so mysterious. and yes, everyone who has it is different. My husband works with many who have Asperger's.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link; I'm off to visit now. Sending my love and prayers.

Betty W said...

I was there the other day. I really hope Aiden gets his dog! That would be so great! Good for you for asking for help.

NCmountainwoman said...

What a beautiful little boy. Here's hoping...

Shug said...

Thank you Karin for sharing this post. It is our duty as christians to reach out to others with needs..
When our little Tucker was diagnosed with Leukemia, it was devastating...We had so much to learn and so much to do....God sent Angels unaware to help...There are so many children with so many diseases and it is our job to help in every possible way to find the cures that are so desperatly needed...
Blessings to your little Aiden and his family...

Sandy said...

Praying for both Aiden and his new buddy Hiro! Such a neat program!!

Julie said...

Ohh .. thank you, Karin .. What a great ministry!
I love it.
I pray that God will bless their ministry and allow many autistic children to have this 'help' to make their lives as normal as possible.

Anonymous said...

I like it very much!