My walk with You Lord, is exciting and real.
You showed me love, and I have not been the same.
My greatest desire, my Father and God
Is to lift up, exalt and sing praise to your Name.

My words, my dear Father,
are not what they should be.
Forgive me again,
I say things rather impulsively.
Many words have been said
that I would gladly retract.
Thank you that Your Holy Spirit
keeps working on me.

My work is the place
where You want me to show
How my walk with You is transforming me.
It’s here that You are using my words,
let them be kind and true,
To let others through my walk Your beauty see.

Thank you that daily You walk close beside me
Your words are a comfort, a strength to my soul.
Your work in me is not done, is not finished,
For I am Your child, being made whole.

Karin Ristau


Warren Baldwin said...

"My work is the place
where You want me to show
How my walk with You is transforming me."

This is a convicting line for a minister who wants to plan his day. Sometimes the best ministry is found in the interruptions.

Mind if I use this quote for an article?


Betty W said...

Beautifully said, as always, and true!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I suppose I could sign my name to this.Each word speaks so clearly about my life.I desire to be what God wants,but often fall so dfar short.Guess we never stop growing ang stiving for maturity.

Karin said...

Thanks for the visit Ruth and comment! Yes, me too, this is my heart's desire.-- Great to see you back Betty! Love your new blog - and that mid-life clock! -- Warren - thanks for your visit and feel free to use the comment and/or the poem!I totally agree with my best ministry being the interruptions. I have another poem on that topic too! Will have to find it and post it.

Anonymous said...

My prayer each morning is that I will bring Him to someone that day in my treatment of them. Blessings

George said...

'My work is the place' ... these words are so very true. I still remember the surprise I felt when teaching in China when one of my students told me that he wanted to go to a church with me because he knew there was something different about me.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I hope that I made a big difference all through the years in people's lives --since my 'workplace' was a church. I worked for churches for over 25 yrs--and literally spent my life bringing people to Christ. When I'm gone, I hope that I'll be remembered as someone who made a difference.


Karin said...

Awesome testimonies of our great God! I thank God for each one of you and the wonderful way you have and are serving Him every day of your life! Who would have 'thunk' we'd be sharing on the internet! God always finds new ways for us to be a blessing. I'm so encouraged by your thoughts!